Friday, October 22, 2010

Christmas Cheer

Normally, Christmas time is my favorite time of year.  I like the crispness of the air, the happy decorations and spending time picking out the perfect gifts for people.  It's the one holiday I would decorate the house and enjoy the feeling of love that surrounds Christmas.  Getting bundled up and going from store to store enjoying the sights and sounds used to be something I looked forward to.

I have a feeling this year, the holiday season is going to be hard for me to get through.  I already hate going to the stores where Christmas items are out.  I am trying to accept the fact that I won't have a tree and probably won't set out my decorations.  What's the point of decorating if there is no one here to celebrate with?  Why put up a tree if there aren't going to be presents to put under it?  My normal excitement for seeing the first hints of Christmas is completely gone.  Now, it brings me pain knowing that I will be spending the majority of the season alone.  I know for the actual day, I will see my parents and grandma like normal.  However, the rest of the time, it will just be Zeus and me at home.  I think this is one of those things people don't think about when they separate.  I knew that I would be single, but I never thought about being alone for the holidays.  I didn't think about how this season would be difficult to get through until now...


  1. what a gift!! You can tell your friend Andrew that I really like to read too!

    One of the books you are currently reading caught my eye. It is your abnormal psychology book. I'm pretty sure the picture on the book is of an arctic delta. We have the same picture in my office. I wonder why they picked that?

  2. This comment was meant for your Kindle post. I just realized I somehow put it on the wrong post.


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