Sunday, September 19, 2010

Work Weekend

On Tuesday, my realtor is coming to take pictures of my house so we can put it on the market.  In preparation for her visit, I realized I had a TON of work that needed to be done.  Luckily, my mom offered to come down for the weekend to help me get my house in order.

Before she showed up on Friday night, I was able to get my bedroom, master bath and closet organized.  I also had worked on my kitchen some and put some items aside that I was ready to pack.  My mom arrived around 8:30 on Friday and was surprised about the work that I completed.  We took a quick trip to Walmart so she could get coffee creamer, did some minor work in the house and chatted a little bit before heading to bed.

On Saturday morning, we starting rearranging some items inside me house so it would show better.  Then, we decided to conquer the front yard since the first impression is the most important and we wanted to make sure the front looked nice.  The weather forecast was that it was suppose to rain all weekend and there was a break in the weather, so we wanted to take advantage of that.  We started with some weeding and pruning.  We managed to fill up the entire bed of my mom's truck with yard waste.  Then, we headed to the dump to empty the truck, got some coffee to refuel and picked up 1/2 yard of beauty bark.  When we got back to the house, we thought that rain was imminent so my mom worked on unloading and spreading the beauty bark in the front while I headed to the back yard for a quick mow.  We were lucky as I was able to get the back yard mowed and just as we were unloading the last bit of bark, it started to rain.  We figured that was our cue to head into the house.
At the dump to drop off yard waste

She's happy because she wore real shoes, not thongs

Mt Rainier from the dump.  Great view!!!

Front yard after from the street

Front yard after from the driveway

We both cleaned up and then worked on the inside of the house some more.  I had a couple things I wanted to get from the store for the house and after a hard day at work decided to head out to dinner.  Right as we were leaving, my friend showed up for a quick visit and was surprised how different the front yard looked.  We decided on Applebee's for dinner and then went to Walmart after for my few items.  Once back at home, we did some more cleaning, rearranging and packing before heading to bed exhausted.

On Sunday, we woke up to rain again.  I made gluten-free waffles for breakfast that we ate with some of my homemade apple butter.  Yummy!  Then, we packed a couple boxes, hung some pictures and made a fake bed in my guest room.  After getting some things done in the house, we decided we needed to get to work on the back yard.  We needed a little bit more bark for the front so headed out, stopped for coffee on the way and then got another 1/2 yard of bark.  On the drive back to my house, the heavy rain started to lighten up and by the time we got home, it had stopped completely.  I filled buckets with bark as my mom unloaded them into the garden.  Once the front was completed, we headed into the back yard.

Since it's the end of the season, a lot of my flowers needed to be pruned back.  My mom worked on pruning while I tried to get some weeds pulled.  We filled my entire yard cart container and then some with garden waste.  I then backed the truck up into the side yard so we could empty the rest of the bark into my back flower bed.  As soon as the truck was empty from bark, we began filling it up again.  We put in some remaining yard waste first and then started loading it up with random wood and metal.  Terry was a little bit of a hoarder when it came to random crap.  He would keep junk that "we may be able to use for something one day", but never, ever used.  And, he was nice enough to leave all of this garbage for me to deal with now.  I didn't want to leave it for whomever may be moving here, so my mom and I loaded it all into her truck.  All that remains now is some longer pieces of metal that wouldn't fit in the bed of the truck and a tire.  Not too bad when you consider how much there was to start with.  As soon as we came inside for showers, it started to pour again.  I must say, someone was helping us out this weekend with the weather.
Before from side of house

After from side of house

Before from patio

After from patio

Before side yard of junk

After side yard

And some work in progress pictures:

My friend, we named him Alfredo

My amazing back up job between house and shed.

Spreading out beauty bark

I'm working hard ;)

The important stuff Terry forgot to take with him...

We (or at least I) was totally filthy, so we came in for showers.  My mom was heading home and we decided to have an early Mexican dinner before she left since we worked through lunch and were both famished.  At the restaurant we decided to share taquitos and fajitas.  So, I ordered chicken taquitos and the waiter came back to confirm mexican taquitos... Really?! Are there that many types of taquitos that he had to confirm we wanted Mexican taquitos in a Mexican restaurant?  We both thought it was funny and tried to think of what a Chinese, Italian and Hawaiian taquitos would be.

Overall, it was a fun, busy, exhausting weekend.  I know I am a little sore today and am amazed by how different things look.  The hard work was definitely worth it.  I wish I had take some additional before pictures for comparison but take my word, it is a huge difference!  Now, I only have a short list of things to do before Tuesday afternoon.  I am glad my mom was able to come down as I couldn't have done it without her.

If you want to see any of the other pictures I took of this weekend, check out my flickr account.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Fantastic work you two!
    Maybe Terry was saving the scraps for an apocolypse, but when he moved on out, decided the fondu set and all the fans were more important in case such an occurance were to happen.
    Still thrown about the taquitos!


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